TR Audio Conferencing Services
TR Audio Conferencing Transforms your team into a more informed and efficient organization through frequent, regularly occurring information sharing events. Two Rivers Conferencing allows customers to conduct toll free reservationless conference calls using the highest quality telephone connections.
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Additional Audio Conferencing Features
- TR Blast - Use our TR Blast Conference to initiate regularly scheduled meetings or as part of an emergency alerting system. Create static lists of participants that will meet with a single moderator. The host will dial into an 800 number and enter a passcode. The system then sends a blast dial out to this stored list of participants to join in a conference requesting them to press a number on their phone if they wish to join into the conference.
- Disaster Planning - TRC’s staff can help you design an emergency alerting system for use in your organization. When an emergency occurs, TR Blast will bring together predetermined members of your team on a conference call. Key members of your organization will have the ability to immediately put together a conference call no matter the time of day or the fact that they cannot get to a computer or phone book.
- TR Record - Record your conference so participants can listen to it later. Start and stop the recording with the press of a button. The recording is stored as a WAV file in a secure location for easy access.
- TR Portal - Monitor your call using a portal on your computer. With our integrated system you can manage your call from your computer. See the phone numbers people are calling in from, make a print out of the participants, mute and unmute sites are just some of the benefits of this feature.